Friday, January 8, 2021

 Day 5

Morning Weight - 213

Strength/Olympic Lift

Strict Press

1 x 5 75 lbs.

1 x 5 95 lbs.

1 x 5 105 lbs. 

1 x 5 115 lbs. 

1 x 5 130 lbs. 



6 knees to elbows

Dumbbell Walking Lunge, 50 lbs., 40 ft.

15 American Kettlebell Swings, 53 lbs. 

Time - 11:37

*I was able to only do one set of 6 knees to elbows.  The rest I modified it to knee to chest.  For the walking lunge I probably could't gotten away with the 50 lbs., but my lunges are weak from the beginning.  I modified it to 35 lbs.   

Thursday, January 7, 2021

 Day 3 

Morning Weight - 216

Strength/Olympic Lift


1 x 3 at 75 lbs. 

1 x 3 at 95 lbs. 

1 x 2 at 105 lbs.

1 x 1 at 105 lbs. 

1 x 1 at 105 lbs. 

1 x 1 at 115 lbs. 

1 x 1 at 115 lbs.

1 x 1 at 115 lbs. 

MetCon 5 RFT

7 Hand Stand Push ups (modified to 50 lbs dumbbell straight press)

15 Hang Power Clean @115 lbs. (modified to 95 lbs. after first round)

200M Run 

Time - 17:50

Day 4 

Morning Weight - 214.7

Strength Work


Handstand Hold

10 Ring Rows

Double Unders for 1 min


Every 4 minutes for 20 mins do:

50 Double Unders (Modified to singles)

18 Ski Calories

10 Front Squats 135 lbs (Modified to 115 lbs. 

* I massively struggled on this one.  Due to a skier shortage my wife and I shared one.  I started with the skier and went straight to my front squat.  I wasn't fast enough on either one and really struggled with the jump rope. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

 Day 2 

Morning Weight 217.3 lbs

Olympic Lift Strength Cycle


5 x 1 - 105 lbs.

5 x 1 - 135 lbs.

5 x 1 - 170 lbs. 

5 x 1 - 205 lbs.

5 x 1 - 235 lbs.


AMRAP 18 minutes

18 Row Calories

15 Wall Balls 20 lbs. 10 Ft.

12 Dumbbell Snatches, 50 lbs. 

9 Toes to Bar (* modified to knee to chest)

Result - 4 Rounds + 18 Row Calories (234 Total Reps)


Monday, January 4, 2021

Project Chaos

Opening Weight - 217 lbs

5 Min Run

Bodyweight Fit Test

100 Burpees
200 Squats
300 Long Flutters

Time - 18:55