Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jiujitsu Day 4

Today we went through a series of techniques. Particularly we worked on the collar choke and its variations. We also did a high guard pass and a straight arm bar from the north/south position.

After working the techniques we started to spar. Today I exclusively grappled with my friend David. With David a being a lot lighter I decided that I would always start on my back as I need to work there anyway. I ended up submitting David with a foot lock and a neck crank. However, although I was able to pass his guard, I was not able to get mount. After I would reverse him and pass his guard I would be stuck trying to improve my position. I ended up getting caught in an arm bar for the first time in over a month.

For the video this time I had my friends Trevor and Joe demonstrate the moves that we learned.

High Guard Pass

Collar Choke Variation

Straight Arm Bar from North South

Monday, January 10, 2011

Jiujitsu Day 3

Again I arrived a little late to Jiujitsu training. After the customary warm-ups and drills we went along with technique.

Today's lessons revolved around the high guard. We worked on counters when people were trying to stack your guard. The two techniques we learned today is the armbar from the high guard and the sweep from the high guard.

Armbar from the high guard.

high guard sweep

After going over the techniques it was time to free roll. I ended training with Joe who you see here on these videos. Joe informed me that he has a shoulder and neck injury and wanted to just train lightly. We both decided that I should work my guard and he should work on his passes. After a good a 10 minutes on the ground we it called a truce. It was then that I found out that I needed to work on my sweeps when I my opponent posts his leg.

After a few minutes to catch my breathe I then start to work with my training partner David. I was able to submit him twice, get some reversals, and even escaped his triangle that he had on me. Over all it is a good and I can see myself getting my mat stamina back.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jiujitsu Day 2

Training today started at 7 PM. I was a little late, maybe around 15 minutes. Right before I left I was finishing up an episode of the popular Korean drama Athena. I then found out that my GI which had been washed over 24 hours prior still was not dry. I packed up my rash guard, kikskin gi pants, and other gear before heading out to the dojo.

When I arrived at the dojo, they have already went over a GI choke. I later had to rely on my friends Joe and David to show me how it was done.

GI choke in question

I then partnered up with Joe and worked on both the Omoplata from the guard and an Omoplata variation.

Omoplata from full guard position

Omoplata Variation

After going over technique it was time to free spar. Sensei Eric had us line up against the wall. Advanced students Jay, Mike, and Larry were paired up with the beginners of the gym. After I believe 5 minutes it was our turn to spar. I went up against Mike who I enjoy going with. Not having my GI top threw him off. Sparring with Mike is always great for me, but I do question his skill without the GI sometimes. When we both spar with the GI he just destroys me, however without the GI I can actually get some good mat time.

Sparring without the GI has always been my preference as that was how I initially learned to grapple. People have told me to learn to grapple with the GI as it tightens your technique. I also heard that it makes you a better technician as well. I can honestly say that it has, and with my desire to tackle Jiujitsu this year I am pretty excited with what the future holds.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jiujitsu Day 1

Training today was pretty chill. The dojo was a packed house but we were able to take in some techniques. It was even better to know that these techniques are in our curriculum for the grading that is going to take place.

The following three videos are the techniques that we went over.

Gi Choke from X-Side

Gi Choke from Referee's Position

Arm Bar Variation from Guard.

The Journey

This year I decided to really track my journey in martial arts and life. When I started this blog I only did it with the intent on keeping track of my journeys to Thailand.

After my first trip to Thailand back in 2008, I decided to sign up with a gym that can give me what I've been always craving. I wanted to train at a gym that can give me the knowledge and the opportunity to both improve myself not only as a martial artist but also a man. I wanted to train at a dojo that can give me both quality training in Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ) and kickboxing. After further research I found just the place, Shingu Fighter Academy.

To make a long story short, I've been there for over two years now, and with a promotion coming up I wanted to document my journey in BJJ. I'll be posting photos and videos of pretty much every training session throughout the year. Please feel free to comment.